Each week, artist Linus Coraggio highlights one of his pieces—offering insight into the origins, inspirations, and aesthetic intentions behind the artwork. You can find The Weld of the Week here, on Facebook, and on Instagram.

September 23, 2014 Weld of the Week #3

Tri-Spring Candlestick (2007)

Tri-Spring (2007) - candlestick by Linus CoraggioAmong my taller candlesticks, Tri-Spring is also on the more eclectic and artistic end of design. The engine block springs came from a ‘60s Buick I bought in New Orleans and drove to NYC where it met its untimely death on the Lower East Side when it caught on fire from a leaky gas tank. The base is an unusual cast gear. The vertical proportions are particularly offbeat in this piece as your eye travels up or down.

I’ve done over 150 different “candle holding devices” as I call them and this is one of my personal favorites.

—Linus Coraggio

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