Coraggio News
December 13, 2023 Champions—Holiday Exhibition
A boxing-themed show on the sweet art of boxing. All sales to benefit retired professional champions who are in need of assistance. Featuring work from over 15 artists including an original Keith Haring/Linus Coraggio collaboration.
OPENING: December 14th, 2023 • 7–11pm
Ideal Glass Studios
9 West 8th Street (near University Place)
Curated by Bailey Lalonde and Anthony Haden-Guest
December 12, 2014 Coraggio Invited to France
Linus Coraggio has been invited by the French Ministry of Culture to do a residency in the coastal town of Le Barcares, France—showing existing works and creating public art for the town during his stay.
In conjunction with the municipal engagement, there will also be an exhibition of Coraggio’s works at a private gallery, Maison des Arts (although the names are coincidentally similar, there is no connection with the NYC gallery that features Coraggio’s work, La Maison d’Art).
Coraggio will be in France from April 5th to May 15th, 2015; the Maison des Arts exhibit dates are TBD, but it will start sometime before the artist's arrival and continue for some time after his departure.
What’s more, the show could travel to Paris and Barcelona as well (nothing final on that yet).
To keep the focus on these happenings abroad, the planners have asked us to refrain from selling Coraggio’s art online until the Le Barcares exhibit is over in late spring.
We are honoring that request: while the site itself will remain active, no online sales will take place via the site starting after Christmas and continuing through, potentially, June.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions.